Thursday, February 26, 2015

DisneyLand: No Longer the Happiest Place on Earth?

Recently, a measles outbreak has impacted upwards of 70 people in what was once thought of as the happiest place on earth, DisneyLand. This once eradicated disease has come back into full force, and 82% of those diagnosed have had to be hospitalized because of this disease. The measles, “was once considered eradicated in the United States because there is a safe and effective vaccine against it, and the reason it’s coming back is because people are making the impossibly absurd decision to skip it” (Saunders). People who are able to access vaccines that can save lives and then choose not to take them, are not only putting themselves at risk but also everyone around them, as seen at California’s DisneyLand theme park. This is especially threatening for those who are too young to be vaccinated, and thus have no protection against those who may have measles, or any other illness. Russell Saunders, a New England pediatrician, calls to attention the fact that, “when enough people refuse the vaccine out of a self-centered willingness to let other parents take the imaginary risk they associate with the vaccine, there won’t be enough responsible people to keep it 
effectively at bay.” The anti-vaccination trend is sweeping the media, as more and more people are join the movement, which in turn puts more and more people at rise. Since the DisneyLand outbreak,  several surrounding states as well as Mexico have reported outbreaks, and if this trend were to continue a disease that was once preventable could, “go from ‘eliminated’ to ‘endemic’” (Saunders). 
This should absolutely be considered a disaster because of the direct risk the anti vaxxers are putting onto those who cannot get vaccinations, due to age or other health conditions. These people are providing a hazard for many innocent people because of their choice not to vaccinate. These people could be anywhere and no one would know, which makes there exposure especially dangerous, especially in public places like amusement parks and schools. These places are densely populated, contributing even more to their uncontrollable spread. If these people don't start vaccinating and the government does nothing to ensure that people do vaccinate, measles and other once eradicated diseases will only continue making a comeback and impacting more people. 
There is however a silver lining to this disaster, or so some scientists are arguing. This outbreak at DisneyLand proves that vaccines do work. Vaccines do “prevent the diseases they were created to prevent” (McCarthy). This is why these diseases have been eradicated and the fact that they’re coming back may be enough to encourage people to get their children vaccinated. When people see these horrible diseases, many of whom have never seen them before, they will understand the consequences of not vaccinating, and hopefully get their children vaccinated so these diseases don't continue spreading. 


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